Department of Mathematics

  • Mathematics is the queen of all sciences. Mathematics is applied in all disciplines including humanities extension, biological science, physical science, management and even languages. The latest field of computer science is actually a branch of Mathematics. Mathematics graduates have an opportunity to serve in the field of teaching, IT sectors, Banking, Financial, Insurance and research departments like ISRO, DRDO, HAL and NAL laboratories to solve the sophisticated mathematical problems related to respective research areas of space, defense and aeronautics. We have a dedicated team of experienced faculty to enrich the knowledge of the students.


    • To contribute dedicated skilled and intelligent mathematicians to the world.
    • To instill analytical and logical thinking among students and promote mathematical thought as an important area of human thought.


    • To create a learning environment that will encourage mathematical intelligence
    • To motivate the students in upgrading their interest in contemporary mathematical techniques.
    • To strengthen the students analytical ability in the field of mathematics.


    • To provide a holistic approach in learning by teaching the fundamental concepts.
    • To prepare the students for higher studies and to conduct research works.
    • To provide every student with mathematical ideas that will serve as foundation for careers and further study in mathematical and scientific research.
    • To provide students with knowledge and insight in mathematics so that they are able to work as mathematical professionals.
    • To provide students with knowledge and capability in formulating and analysis of mathematical models in real life applications..


    S. No Staff Name Designation
    1 Dr H Thasleem Rani, M.Sc., B.Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D., Head I/C, Assistant Professor
    2 Ms K Saranya, M.Sc., Assistant Professor
    3 Ms T Sujitha, M.Sc., Assistant Professor
    4 Ms R.Arthi, M.Sc., M.Phil., Assistant Professor
    5 Dr.C Aruna, M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D., Assistant Professor


    An open auditorium with a capacity of 700 persons is located in the main building of the college. Various events such as symposium, workshop, national and international conferences and graduation day etc, can be held. The auditorium has a large podium with well equipped audio system. It is also well illuminated and ventilated.

    Ladies Hostel

    The ladies hostel for girls is now located in Kilakarai with all facilities. Transport arrangement is provided for pick up and drop from the hostel to college. It provides safety and good facilities for the outstation students. The hostel has facilities with STD, ISD, Gymnasium, a reading room and a computer room. The responsible educated custodian takes good care of the students.


    Bus Routes
    Route 1: Ramanathapuram
    Route 2: Sathirakudi
    Route 3: Periyapattinam
    Route 4: Rameshwarm
    Route 5: Thondi